Allow me to take a moment to discuss one of the ways I use WoWunction. You may be already doing this, I have found that a once to twice daily scan will reveal some amazing deals.
When you hover over REPORTS on the WoWunction web site, one of the possible reports is "Bargain Hunter".
Bargain Hunter is broken into several categories: Weapons, Armor, Recipes, Mounts and Companions.
The first thing I usually do is click the AH Cheapest an have it sort in ascending order of prices. This allows me to see items in which someone on the AH doesn't know their potential values.
I also look to see what is the Daily # region average. If this isn't something that is commonly posted, I might pass on the auction because it in turn might be something that no player is looking for. The more popular the item, the more you should see it on the AH.
As you can see in the above example. One my server (Kargath) a Scouting Tunic is listed on the AH for 3g and can potential be flipped for 199g34s. It also has a region avg of 3.54. That doesn't necessarily mean that there are three or more on the AH at any one time.
Three items jump out at me immediately as potential purchases to flip. The Scouting Tunic, Boulderfirst Epaulets, and Haal'eshi Boots. The three combined could result in a return of ~737g. The Twilight Gloves I may move on after I check my auctions to make sure I don't already have one. If I do, for this price, I may purchase it just to remove the undercut and reset the auction value.
(EDIT: Be aware that WoWunction is not a RT view of the AH. The site scans the AH once/twice a day. In the case of the Scouting Tunic, it was no longer available)
I will generally spend between 20 - 50g picking up undervalued items then later relisting them for their market value.
Browsing the weapons section of the report, there currently isn't anything that really jumps out at me for enough potential return versus time invested. Unless that sword will sell with 48 hrs. In this case I only made purchases from the Armor report.
For my bride who is an avid pet collector, I have located a few pets for a few copper of their original values.
My successes in doing this varies in regards to immediate resales. A few items I still have in my collection while many of them have sold within 48 - 96 hours of acquiring.
My first attempt at this was the fishsticker crossbow, a purple which was on the AH for 44g and resold for 185g this got me highly excited regarding the potential return and I monitor this report daily.
Many of these items may/may not be listed in the Xmog lists which are found on Phat Lewts/WowProfitz/others blogs. So you may have to manually list them on the AH. If you do, either take note of the potential sale value and profit, or just return to WoWunction to look the price up. That is, if you don't have all the addons for WoW from TSM that allow you to just hover over the item and see its AH values.
Hope this tip brings y'all success stories. Share them here if you have any!
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